4 ideas for socially distant breaktimes in September
Source: Tes.
Date: 6th-July-2020
How will the need to socially distance impact lunch and breaktimes? We look at the guidelines, and make some suggestions of activities.
Students are generally social creatures and those two (or for some lucky ones – three) breaks in the school day are often their highlight. They socialise, they play, and they refuel with their favourite snack. But when we return in September, will breaktimes and lunchtimes look the same?
According to the new September guidance: sort of.
Breaktimes – but not as we know them
The guidelines suggest schools need to avoid busy corridors, and that “schools should also consider staggered breaktimes and lunchtimes”.
And what about play equipment? Well, as long as it is cleaned between the different bubble groups of students, this will be allowed.
The guidance recommends that “outdoor playground equipment should be more frequently cleaned” and “sports equipment thoroughly cleaned between each use by different individual groups”.
School meals
In terms of catering, school dinners are back on the menu as outside catering teams can return, but the guidelines do also state that you must allow for “time for cleaning surfaces in the dining hall between groups”.
Back in the playground, jumpers for goalposts is on the “no” pile for now as well because “contact sports should not take place”. So, what can schools encourage their students to do at break and lunchtime?
1. [The] Daily Mile
This popular exercise challenge seemed to be recommended in the latest guidance where it said “active miles [will] help enable pupils to be physically active while encouraging physical distancing”.
If you visit The Daily Mile website, it also has suggestions for how you can make this work in a socially distant way.
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