St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery
“The children know how important The Daily Mile is for their mental health”
Fact File
Where we’re based: Middlesex, England
Roll: 445
Our Daily Mile Story
At St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery we’ve been participating in The Daily Mile for 5 years in our school playground. Our aim is to develop attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle from Nursery to Year 6. The implementation of The Daily Mile track in our school has encouraged all pupils to walk, jog, or run each day, fostering a growth mindset among our pupils’. This is pivotal to all we do at St Teresa’s in order to develop confident, resilient, and motivated pupils.
The track has helped develop our pupils’ social and mental wellbeing while keeping them fit and healthy with their friends. It has also fostered relationships among our pupils and provided responsibilities for Daily Mile Leaders. By securing funding for the track, we have been able to host events throughout the school year, such as a charity colour fun run, which was a great success. Even our school dog Rua, enjoys the daily mile track and regularly participates!
Additionally, we have used the track as an intervention for targeted students, including those with challenging behaviour, additional special education needs or disabilities, or poor punctuality. This has encouraged self-regulation and pupils’ are ready for learning, feeling more energetic!
In the beginning, staff needed information about what The Daily Mile was and the impact it could have upon the pupils. Through research and statistics we overcame this to show the positive impact of being active.
Staff additionally were unsure about timetabling and how to add it into their school day. As a school, senior leaders saw this as important and ensured that all classes were adding this into their day.
In PSHE lessons, pupils discuss ways in which we stay healthy in our bodies and in our minds. Pupils are able to identify healthy eating, regular exercise and looking after our wellbeing. Pupils reflect on The Daily Mile during this time and are able to articulate how The Daily Mile has helped them.
Quotes from teachers & pupils
Year 5 child ” I love The Daily Mile in the morning! My teacher puts on music on the speaker and it makes me feel happy and ready to learn for the day”
Year 2 child ” I like skipping around The Daily Mile track with my friends”
Reception child “It makes me fit and healthy. My heart beats really fast”
Miss Conlon PE Leader “The children know how important The Daily Mile is in their school day and can’t wait to complete their laps. ”
Miss Cooney PSHE Leader ” The children know how important The Daily Mile is for their mental health. We will be continue to promote this in our Mental Health Newsletter, which is distributed to our families.”