St Michael’s Junior Church School
“It is great for pupils mental and physical health. We’ve noticed that children are happier and more focused on their return”
Fact File
Number of children taking part in The Daily Mile: 138
Our Daily Mile Story
At St Michael’s Junior Church School, we’ve been participating in The Daily Mile for 5 years.
When we first started The Daily Mile, we initially found that the children and staff had uncertainty about taking part. To help overcome this, members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) modelled the behaviour needed from support staff to engage with The Daily Mile. The timetable was adapted school wide to ensure it was prioritised with a whole school tannoy/chime to signify the beginning and end.
We have recently extended the time slot by 5 minutes because staff are now fully bought in and see the benefits. It is great for pupils mental and physical health. We’ve noticed that children are happier and more focused on their return. This is a chance for pupils in different classes to check in with each other, and the SLT use this time to check in with pupils too. We have also found that is has benefitted the staff who participate.
One pupil last year had a competition with a member of staff to see who could do the most steps. Another helped a member of staff who was training for a half marathon/completing a running challenge by doing it with them. It has particularly benefitted pupils who have had various medical conditions e.g asthma, broken bones and recovering from heart surgery because they could still join in by walking. We have a high number of pupils with SEND and EHCPs and they benefit from a structured physical activity break.
We have used The Daily Mile to participate in various fitness challenges over the years. We think it would be a great idea to include parents in some aspects of The Daily Mile.
Quotes from teachers & pupils
Sports Lead/Class Teacher “The Daily Mile is crucial to our provision, contributing to pupils’ active minutes per week, developing our sense of school community and enabling same-day-intervention for teachers. Children arrive back to class happy and refocused (regulated), and teachers are better prepared to adapt and steer the lesson towards intended goals”
Y6 Pupil – “I just really like being out with my friends really. We get to run off our energy and the fresh air helps us regulate”
Y3 Pupil – “It gives us a break from our maths and I can think better when I go back in”