St Andrew’s RC Primary School
“Children are more likely to talk about concerns and worries in this environment”
St Andrew’s RC Primary
Fact File
- Where we’re based: Dumfries, Scotland
- A description of our school: Town school
- Children in school doing The Daily Mile: Whole school
- Where we run: In our school playground
- Month/Year we started The Daily Mile: Spring 2016
Mrs Davidson talked us through St Andrew’s RC Primary School’s experience of The Daily Mile.
Did you face any barriers when implementing The Daily Mile? If yes, how did you overcome them?
The best time of day to carry out The Daily Mile was a concern at first. This has been solved over time by individual teachers deciding the best time of day for their class to go out and take part. This varies every day, depending on timetables.
Another concern was the time it would take the children to get ready. At first this did take longer than the allocated 15 minutes. However, children are now used to the routine and know the route, so quickly go out and get started.
What has been the impact on the children’s learning, concentration and focus?
Children come back in from The Daily Mile more focused and having had the ‘brain break’, they are more focused on tasks.
What has been the impact on the children’s behaviour, mood and relationships?
Children enjoy the chance to get fresh air and this helps improve their general mood, in the majority of cases. One teacher noted that it gives an opportunity for the teacher to talk to pupils on their way around the route and, at times, children are more likely to talk about concerns and worries in this environment, rather than the classroom.
Do you have any individual success stories of pupils or staff members you would like to share with us?
Children are adding improving their performance on The Daily Mile into their own Health and Wellbeing targets. When reviewing these targets, they have felt they improved – which is great to hear.
Do you have any tips for other schools looking to get started?
We linked the initial set up of The Daily Mile to our maths, for the senior pupils. They measured the area, working out how many laps for a mile. We also did a whole school focus on how many miles walked and marked this on a map of Scotland to show the distance we had travelled. Initially, it is also a good idea to pair older children with younger ones to help show them the route and get them into the general routine.
What have the parents’ reactions to The Daily Mile been?
Parents have been encouraged by the opportunity for children to get daily exercise. The parents keep us informed if children are unable to take part in The Daily Mile for any reason.
Any other comments?
Mrs Dalgleish (class teacher), “It is good to see children competing against themselves and trying to improve their fitness levels.”
Mrs Barnett (class teacher), “[The] Daily Mile is a very effective brain break for children and often gives me the chance to chat to individual children on our way round.”
Alba (P3 Pupil), “It’s good exercise and gets your legs working.”
Alexandra (P3 Pupil), “Makes you feel good to get some fresh air.”
Conor (P6 Pupil), “Good to get fit and talk to friends.”
Samantha (P6 Pupil), “Makes you fitter and gives people a chance to get out, who don’t have a chance at home.”