The Daily Mile ‘for Adults’
Source: BBC Radio Scotland
Date: 04-June-2018
The Daily Mile Foundation are excited to see the ‘Fit For Life‘ campaign put into practice on BBC Radio Scotland’s programme “Personal Best“, as presented by Gillian Russell.
As part of the Fit For Life campaign, Elaine Wyllie advocates that everyone should be fitting The Daily Mile into their daily routines; whether it is a jog to work, a run at lunchtime, or a walk whilst socialising with colleagues and friends. Furthermore, employers would benefit as by implementing The Daily Mile in workplaces, productivity would increase. As Elaine said, “a healthy employee and a happy employee is a good employee.”
Birchwood Highland, a mental health charity, advised that social isolation is bad for our health. One of the many numerous benefits of The Daily Mile is that it increases opportunity for social interactions, as it is 100% inclusive.
In the interview (below), Birchwood Highland describes sitting as ‘the new smoking’, and encourages people to move around as much as possible.
A research study conducted by Paul Kelly at the University of Edinburgh found that the average 25 year old office worker in Scotland sits just as much as the average 75 year old pensioner.
Trish Gorely from the University of Highlands and Islands who researched the benefits of The Daily Mile for children, said if adults did The Daily Mile every day for a week, they would have already achieved two thirds of the Government’s recommended amount of exercise. The WHO found that if people walked a mile more each day (between 15-20 minutes of walking), it could prevent 15,000 deaths per year.
This article has been reproduced with the kind permission of the content creator, BBC Radio Scotland. To hear the piece in full, please click the link below.