Morgans Primary School
“Children’s friendships have blossomed as children run and talk together”
Fact File
Where we’re based: Hertfordshire, England
Roll: 458
Our Daily Mile Story
Morgans Primary School have been completing The Daily Mile for six months on their all-weather track, with some specific year groups having done The Daily Mile for two years! We have found that since starting, the children are happier, and have improved self-esteem, concentration and focus in class.
Initially, we faced uncertainty from staff with concern over not having enough time in the school day to complete The Daily Mile! We secured funding for a track and introduced a whole school initiative to run. A run is now timetabled in for Years 5 & 6 to ensure they do run. Everyone runs as and when they feel is best during their school day but they do run!
We have also noticed that children share things with teachers during the run that they may not have done otherwise. Children’s friendships have blossomed as children run and talk together, The Daily Mile is inclusive to all – some walk, some run. Parents have commented on how much fitter their child has become. They have developed a love for running!
I teach in Reception and I introduced cubes for children to collect every time they completed a lap. The children then counted the number of cubes they collected which links to their math learning. We also produced graphs in the past to represent number of laps the children have run etc.
Our new all-weather running track was opened by Linford Christie, with the visit being organised by the Herts Sports Partnership. The track is fairly new so we will hopefully be able to arrange more events in the future. Cross Country club is using the track once a week. Morgans Mile is a whole school event that will take place in the Spring Term for parents to attend too.