Be careful, but get outside for some fun exercise with the kids

Source: Belfast Telegraph

Date: 30-March-2020

With so many children stuck at home because of the Covid-19 restrictions and school closures, there’s a danger they’ll also become stuck on the sofa or on a screen – or both.

But it is possible to leave the house for one form of exercise a day, so long as we maintain social distancing from people outside our own household, and there’s never been a better time for kids to start doing The Daily Mile.

The easy children’s exercise initiative was started by headteacher Elaine Wyllie eight years ago after she became concerned about her pupils’ lack of physical fitness. The idea is simply that children walk, run or jog – whatever pace suits them best – for 15 minutes every day, whether they’re at school or at home, to improve their health and wellbeing.

Though called The Daily Mile because children tend to average running a mile in the 15 minutes, the distance isn’t compulsory and the aim of the initiative is for participants to enjoy themselves, improve over time and develop healthy habits for a lifetime.

And now parents are marooned at home too, there’s no reason for them not to start doing The Daily Mile along with their kids, and enjoy the same benefits – with the added bonus of doing something healthy alongside their children.


This article has been reproduced with the kind permission of the content creator, Belfast Telegraph. To read the article in full, please click the link below.

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